
The Essentials of Hormone Replacement Therapy

The Essentials of Hormone Replacement Therapy Whether you are a man or a woman, the chances are that with time, you will begin to suffer a decrease in your hormonal levels. Part of this usually comes during the menopause for women while men experience it as from their 30s. The good news though is that there is a solution for this, and hormone replacement therapy is the best of them all. While HRT is an excellent means of solving such cases, it is an excellent idea to know some of the basic don'ts to help you make the right decision.  Further facts about Colorado Springs, CO can be found here. Instances When HRT is Not Advisable Ideally, not everyone is fit to have hormone replacement therapy. At Colorado Medical Solutions, we usually do a lot of evaluations to determine this to reduce any potential risk that can otherwise bring you more harm. Some of the instances when HRT is not advisable are: for people with a history of high blood pressure, breast cancer, heart disease, blood

Who Should Consider Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Who Should Consider Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy? Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy has in the recent past developed to be one of the best anti-ageing therapies available. It h as become trendy in recent times, marketed as a more natural solution to hormone replacement therapy. For years, women have turned to hormone replacement therapy to help balance the effects of menopause. The good news is that it is not only applicable to women alone but also applies to the men. Here is a gender-sensitive guide on the instances men and women can consider this therapy.  Learn more here. For Women If you are a menopausal or peri-menopausal female, and experiencing hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, worsening memory and lack of mental clarity, and have a decreased or absent sex drive then bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may be for you. And one of the best facilities to get the best care is Colorado Medical Solutions. Learn more about Benefits of Body Sculpting and